Final: E-Portfolio
In the beginning of this writing class, all I could think was, "Great. Not only am I going to have to write these papers, but I'm going to have to make them good."Just like the microtheme we worked on in the beginning of the year. Now, all I'm thinking is, "Thank God I took this class."
See, The difference between now and then is that I actually enjoy writing. I like all the opportunities it has to offer like opening doors to different realities. The different aspects and See, the truth about writing is that it really is anything you want it to be. It just sucks that I haven't noticed it until now.
A Letter from Me to Me
Dear Future Me,
I hope, by now, that you have figured out what you want to do with your life. I also hope that writing is a part of your life. Writing is an opportunity to discover the real potential that's hiding within you. It's a way to open your mind to different possibilities and adventure that go on in your own mind. Writing doesn't always have to be by the book. Writing comes from within you.
Past Me
A paper that really stood out for me was the Article Analysis Paper. This is the paper that made me fall in love with writing. This was probably because I revised it a lot of times. Revision is key in making sure that your paper is the best it could ever be. The article analysis paper taught me how to summarize a journal article into my own words. It taught me how to write a whole paragraph about just one sentence explaining its meaning and attitude. The paper taught me how to read an article with meaning instead of just words on a paper. With this, my writing skills have improved greatly and sufficiently.
The Purdue Owl is an excellent source to go on when you don't have any idea on what styling a paper looks like. The Owl helped me cite and format my paper the proper way. I turn to the website every time I am unsure about my papers. It helps me put them in the right order and makes my citations look proper. It's the most helpful resource for an English class.
Should everyone use The Purdue Owl? It's gonna be a YES from me!😁
By revising my papers so many times, I have taught myself to be a great writer. This course has been the little nudge I needed to bring out the potential inside myself. I believe that the key to writing good, is rewriting. It has always proven itself to me. Every extra step you take to improve your paper is a good one but when you revise, you improve your writing/reading skills and your analytical skills. That's the most important thing that College Writing 2 has taught me. Revise. Revise. Revise.
In the end, I am so grateful for taking this class. Not only did it teach me to be a better writer, but it also taught me that writing is not something you only do in your English class but also something that is used to express yourself. Writing is something I turn to when I need someone to talk to. Even though no one replies back, I write so that I can let it all out.
"Put it on paper." They said. "You'll feel better." They said. And they were right.
Just because College Writing II is coming to end, doesn't mean that I am. This is just the beginning. I am going to expand my writing skills as much as I can and I only have one person to thank.
Dr. Kyburz, thank you for inspiring me to strive for the good but ending up at the best.
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